World Book & Copyright Day

A reason for authors to celebrate

April 23, 2024

A Tuesday Newsday Classic Updated

Near and dear to this author’s heart is World Book and Copyright Day – celebrated annually on April 23. Created in 1995 the purpose of the day is to “recognize the scope of books – a link between the past and the future, a bridge between generations and across cultures.”

One of the more interesting aspects of World Book Day, however, is how the date was chosen and why. The Infallible Wikipedia, as it so often does, offers some insight:

Cervantes is considered the most influential Spanish language author. His most famous work depicted here: Don Quixote.

“The original idea was of the Valencian writer Vicente Clavel Andrés as a way to honour the author Miguel de Cervantes, first on 7 October, his birth date, then on 23 April, his death date. In 1995 UNESCO decided that the World Book and Copyright Day would be celebrated on 23 April, as the date is also the anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, as well as that of the birth or death of several other prominent authors. (In a historical coincidence, Shakespeare and Cervantes died on the same date — 23 April 1616 — but not on the same day, as at the time, Spain used the Gregorian calendar and England used the Julian calendar; Shakespeare actually died 10 days after Cervantes died, on 3 May of the Gregorian calendar.)”

Shakespeare, perhaps more than any person who has ever lived, was the most impactful of authors. He published 37 plays and 154 sonnets and today, 503 years after his death, his works are still being performed and his written works analyzed and contemplated. Talk about staying power!

William Shakespeare

Several years ago I read a book which made the claim that every plot line ever imagined was written by Shakespeare. Modern writers, it stated, might as well give it up and quit writing stories since they cannot match Shakespeare.

To me, this was a very sad and cynical thought. Plus it misses the point about the human mind, heart, and the individual’s desires – I would argue need – to pursue one’s passions in life.

When I reflect back on my earliest interests, one stands out: the desire to write. What better way to capture one’s thoughts and the emotions of a time and place? I dabbled in fiction writing while in high school and penned a thinly cloaked autobiographical story titled “Another Lunch.” It told the story of Bernice, Deborah, and Cynthia, three friends whose singular focus seemed to be the pursuit of, and interactions with, boys.

I would add to the ‘book’ as new adventures occurred, writing them by hand in a three prong paper keeper over the weekend, then bringing the updated story to school for the ‘real’ Deborah and Cynthia to read. Eventually word of the story got out there and some of the ‘boys’ and other peripheral characters – perhaps recognizing themselves in the story – clamored to read the tome. It was passed around like an annual at graduation for everyone to peruse.

Sadly, “Another Lunch” disappeared in the spring of my Senior year, no doubt carried home and lost in the hovel of some student’s bedroom destined to be discarded by an irritated mother who saw it as worthless. As for me, I kept all my writings from those early years and find them, at times, a somewhat painful reminder of my perspective and (lack of) writing abilities.

Although I dabbled in writing the beginnings of stories a various times over the years, my ‘fiction’ writing mostly lay dormant for years. Then the day came when I walked into a novel writing class at Bellevue Community College.

Author Janet Lee Carey

Taught by published author Janet Lee Carey, it was structured into two parts. The first was a 45 minute lecture on the various elements of writing fiction: plotting, sentence, paragraph, and sentence structure; deciding what sort of book you were going to write; character development; effective dialogue; avoiding cliches. The things one needed to know and learn was extensive. I soaked it up like a teenager getting a tan during summer break.

The second half of each class was an opportunity for all of us aspiring authors to read a scene or two from our current work in progress. It was what happened in the second part of the class that day which confirmed for me that I was a closet novelist who had finally found her home.

I listened to the stories which my classmates shared for critique and a voice inside my own head whispered to me, “You can write just as well…”

Later that day I started on my first novel, determined to find a way to complete a 90,000-word book – standard length. I took inspiration from Janet when she said – and I paraphrase – “If you can write a sentence, then you can write a paragraph… and if you can write a paragraph, then you can write a chapter. After all a novel is just sentences, paragraphs, and chapters all connecting together.”

 There was no better feeling than when, months later, I wrote the words “The End.” I had done it! But it was more than that. Writing provided an outlet for the jumble of thoughts which crowded my brain, a virtual sieve to separate the chaff from the grain.

Now, nearly twenty years later, I am still compelled to write. That class was truly a life changing event.

In addition to fiction, my Tuesday Newsday blog has taken on a life of its own. Now in its eighth year I’ve published 314 articles covering unique topics in categories such as Historical Happenings, My Home Town, Screen Shots, Music Makers, and – a personal favorite – Geeky Musings. I’ve updated a number of articles as I await next year and the opportunity to fill in those 52 dates which have not yet fallen on a Tuesday!

Famous author Snoopy inspires me

But, for me, it doesn’t matter if its novels or short personal essays (such as this one) it’s the writing that matters. I’m truly happiest when I get to spend a portion of the day writing creatively.

Finally, a nod to my fellow ‘Anonymous Authors’, who for the past 20 years have brightened my Tuesday mornings with their stories, critiques, and friendship, especially: Roger, Jette, and Ward my current compadres who meet on Zoom most Tuesday mornings. But also to those who once shared those Tuesdays: Irene, Daphne, Steve S., Steve D. (what she said!), Dee, Joe, and May.

A bit of information about World Book and Copyright day:

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